Candidate, New Mexico State Senate
District 24

Anna Hansen
Climate Science-Based Policy
Do you agree with climate scientists that we are facing a climate emergency?
Do you agree with climate scientists that the brunt of the impacts we face due to climate change will be put on those who contributed the least emissions? (The global South, Indigenous, and low-income communities)
Do you agree with climate scientists that greenhouse gas emissions must be reversed within 6 years in order to achieve carbon neutrality in time to keep global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees and to avoid catastrophic runaway climate disruption? https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/ - IPCC Report
If elected, what specific policies will you initiate in your first year of service to begin transitioning our state economy from an extractive economy to a regenerative economy within the timeframe set by the world's leading scientist?
First I signed the pledge to not take any oil and gas money. In 2019 I lead the SFC Board of County Commission to join the Coalition of Sustainable Communities of NM as a founding member. I am now the Chair of the Coalition, where we had a major role in passing through the NM legislative the Community Solar Act and creating the Climate Investment Center of NM. This year 2024 we got $10M to start the process of getting federal funds for the Climate Investment Center which is intended to help with a just transition and provide low income funds for energy efficiency and renewable. I will continue to work on real climate change solutions.
Community Engagement Questions
What are the current needs or issues you see across the state, city, or county and how do you plan on addressing those issues if you are elected?
Water issues are always current issues. We need to ban PFAS in the state, especially in oil fields and we need to know what they are injecting into the ground.
What is your vision of the ideal relationship between communities and environmental/climate justice?
We have abandoned teaching civics in schools, which is essential to a healthy democracy, knowledge is necessary for democracy to work. Democracy requires elected leaders to be steadfast, legislate with a purpose and have deep integrity. As elected leaders we must stand up for the truth, we must be fearless and advocate for elemental knowledge of how democracy works. We need to have real debates about policy.
What role do you believe communities actively play in policy development? Especially when addressing issues that have been inherited and faced for generations?
Listening to my constituents has been a major role in my policy development. I have encouraged citizen to bring me their views and work to make it into a policy that can pass
What changes will you propose so that community driven solutions have equitable influence over policy-making, and are valued as much if not more than private profit driven solutions?
Create a citizen redistricting commission to ensure districts are fair and representative of communities and not political affiliation. It is time for New Mexico to pay its legislators and provide real staff to address constituent needs. New Mexico can also do more for immigrants and their path to citizenship - those future Americans take a pledge to vote and immediately register because they understand the importance of Democracy.
How do you plan on engaging communities and youth in policy development or proposals?
Thankfully we have the best election laws in the country but we could do more to expand voting rights to youth in school board elections - helping engage and encourage them to become a part of the Democratic process earlier.
Describe your previous experience working on social/health/environmental justice issues, do you have experience working with impacted communities to co-develop solutions? How will you use this experience to tackle the climate crisis?
I am strongly opposed to the return of uranium mining in New Mexico. Uranium is the first step on the nuclear fuel chain, leading either to nuclear weapons production or nuclear power production. New Mexico has experienced great harm through the legacy of decades of uranium mining and milling. We need stronger laws and regulations if new mining operations need to be permitted - they should include adequate protections for our groundwater, a plan and financial assurance for cleanup and closure and seek the consent of potentially impacted communities. This is an environmental injustice issue. Tribes have been the most impacted. There are currently no uranium mining operations permitted in New Mexico. However, our agencies NMED and EMNRD -- do not have tools to deny permits if communities oppose mining operations. Make sure NMED has the staff to oversee this and make sure it does not happen until all is clean up.
A Just Transition
What connections do you believe exist between our state/local economy and budget and environmental and climate impacts? How will you work to ensure that the state/local budget fosters economic, environmental, and climate justice?
For generations, we've subsidized the oil & gas industry & our climate and land has paid the price throught our budget for the state. It's time for a real transition away from fossil fuels and towards renewables. It's long past time to repeal the 1935 Oil and Gas Act and stop fresh water from being used for oil and gas operations. We continue to subsidize extractive industries through lower royalty rates and almost nonexistent fines for polluters.
How do you see the role of oil and gas corporations in New Mexico’s future as a result of the climate crisis?
The legislature did not pass a bill, or even a memorial on Oil and Gas Act reform in this last short 30 day session. Despite a tremendous effort by environmental advocates and support from the Governor and The New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD). The efforts did at least raise the awareness of the leadership in both chambers of the need to update the 1935 Oil and Gas Act. That is one of the first things we need to do.
Define environmental racism in your own words and provide an example in NM.
New Mexico tribal national have paid the price through the extraction of uranium on their lands and have polluted their communities. That is environmental racism, no meaningful cleanup of the tailing and not investing money to provide adequate health care of the miners that were exposed. Believing climate change and climate justice is not their problem and that they can escape the truth of the destruction that their greed and desire has inflicted on our poor and 3rd world communities. One example is building coal/gas plants near Indigenous and traditional communities who do not have the resources to oppose the building and releasing of chemicals and gasses and don't have the resources to fight for their land.
How will you be playing a role in a just transition away from fossil fuels for NM?
I plan to support any just transition legislation for affected communities and sign on as a co-sponsor for the Clean Future Act to aid those communities and implement more tax credits for electric vehicles, charging stations and renewable energy storage. We still need to ensure community solar fulfills its intended purpose in helping vulnerable communities access renewable energy and guarantee the program continues to grow. We create the Climate Investment Center with the Coalition of Sustainable Communities of NM, this will be an important fund to help ensure we protect the underserved and frontline communities.
Do you believe climate action is an issue of intergenerational justice? What is the responsibility of your generation to the youth and future generations if elected? Explain.
Yes, I have fought to educate people about climate impacts since I was in my 20's. It is sad to me that 50 years later people are only starting to realized the impact. What I have done is lead the SFC Commission since 2017. First to join the Paris agreement and brought forth a resolution that we are in a Climate Emergency.
Santa Fe County passed Resolution 2023-075, the Countywide Climate Action Plan to meet Science Based Target goals of 54% greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2030 and 100% by 2050. The State needs to follow its plan and strengthen it.
How can pollution and contamination impact our youth and communities?
I have fought my entire life to protect our planet and its wildlife. In the 60's-early 70's when I was a young political activists I worked for civil right and justice. As I have continued my fight against the denial of climate change. I am hearten to see the youth join this fight for our planet and its wildlife. I will always fight to protect our air, water and land and wildlife and all sentient beings.
How will you include Traditional Land Based Knowledge when developing policy?
Go to the sourse to get the knowledge we need to continue our traditional land based practices, tribal and Traditional hispanic knowledge keepers.
If elected, will you support investing some of the money from oil and gas revenues to fund A) dedicated resources for a Just Transition Study to model alternative economic pathways for our state including oil and gas revenue replacement and phase-down B) create a just transition fund to invest in community-driven climate planning for local economies to divest from harmful industries and build alternative economic visions and investments that effectively contribute to climate mitigation and community health? Explain.
Yes to both, we must include a just transition study and fund.
Name specific alternative sources for state/local revenue that you'd pursue and propose if elected
Raise royalties on oil and gas. Buiding a local economic development effort with more investment in the Film industry and most important our local agriculture / farming community.
Do you support the development of Hydrogen energy, nuclear energy, and/or carbon capture and sequestration in NM? Why or Why Not?
NO, I am pro solar, wind and geothermal. I have a long history of opposition to nuclear, since we can’t seem to figure out what to do with the waste except bury it in the ground. Hydrogen needs more research - it does not seem to be a true renewable energy since it needs so much water and it includes using natural gas.
Do you support community ownership of energy where Cities/Counties/Indigenous Nations are able to own, produce, and sell electricity to residents and keep energy dollars local?
What do you believe is the fossil fuel industry/utility’s responsibility for cleanup and how as an elected official in the public office for which you are running do you plan to hold industry accountable for pollution and cleanup?
We must raise fines for pollutors and higher bonding rates
Do you support the State Land Office’s moratorium/prohibition on new oil and gas leasing on state trust lands within one mile of schools or other educational facilities? https://www.nmstatelands.org/2023/06/01/commissioner-garcia-richard-bans-new-oil-and-gas-leasing-within-one-mile-of-schools/ | Would you support legislation to create a public health buffer zone prohibiting oil and gas drilling within one mile of schools on ALL NM lands?
Have you accepted any donations from fossil fuel companies or utilities?
Can you commit to not accepting donations or funds from fossil fuel companies if you are elected?
What are your ideas to loosen the grip of industry on the state legislature and strengthen our democracy?
Democracy requires elected leaders to be steadfast, legislate with a purpose and have deep integrity. As elected leaders we must stand up for the truth, we must be fearless and advocate for elemental knowledge of how democracy works. We need to have real debates about policy. Having a legislature that is paid and professional.
A disparity exists between services, infrastructure improvements, and quality of life amenities in the different parts of the City. Despite commitments to address inequities in investment and improve services, infrastructure, and amenities in the area annexed by the City in the area north of Airport Rd, development has been limited to new housing developments. This area of town is already the most densely populated area of the city with the greatest number of households with children and yet there remains no library, no parks, no teen center, no senior center, no community center, no grocery stores, no commercial areas, no public spaces, no centers for arts and culture, no recreation centers. It also has the highest number of immigrants, Hispanics, Indigenous, African Americans and people living in poverty. It was also the most impacted community during the pandemic, having more infections and deaths than any other in Santa Fe. The lack of services and amenities contributed directly to those outcomes.
What are your plans for bringing these needed services and amenities to the area?
I have represented the Traditional Village of Agua Fria, which needs sewers, like the area that you are referring to. We must have a real community dialogue with stakeholders and developers to have services. This is an area that needs attention, as a senator I will help bring resources to this area
How can we ensure greater equity in development moving forward?
Having elected offical who listen to the the needs to the constituents and standing up for them. That is something that I have done throughtout my time as a county commissioner
What level of services and amenities should be present before more housing is built, and how do you determine that?
Demand a real grocery store first, then parks and the city needs to build a library in the area. It is unfortunate that this area was annex by the city, the state needs to step in and help with more resources to help with infrastructure. This area also needs sewers.
District 3 borders the industrial zone adjacent to Airport Road and 599, and as such is the most impacted by potential emissions and other toxic pollutants. The area north of Airport Rd, the most densely populated, most diverse and poorest, is the most directly impacted. As it is home to the majority of Santa Fe’s children and youth, as well as an area that is extremely underserved and consequently has higher pre-existing health conditions, the additional risks posed by the industrial zone and proposed expansion is of great concern. This is an Environmental Justice crisis.
How do you propose to mitigate or eliminate these extra risks to our community?
This industrial zone needs to be moved out of the Airport Ro area. Strong protections from NMED need to be put in place. Air monitering needs to be done.
Will you support a Cumulative Impacts rule so that proposed new or expanded operations must be reviewed taking into consideration the existing environmental, health and socioeconomic conditions of the impacted communities?
Will you support public investments in the area that help mitigate impacts, such as increasing the tree canopy, eliminating pavement and concrete, increasing open space and green areas?
If YES, How?*
Increasing walking and bike trails, parks and regenerative agriculture.